Sunday, January 31, 2010

Extreme Incontinence Seniors: How Do You Feel About The Extreme Availibility Of Information On T.v. Commercials Today?

Seniors: How do you feel about the extreme availibility of information on t.v. commercials today? - extreme incontinence

You know, ads for male gain, incontinence problems, colonoscopies, the feminine hygiene products, contraceptives, drugs for erectile dysfunction, intimate lubricants, etc. They are happy that the information is there for the need or the feeling that certain issues should be discussed only in private?


Gladys said...

Let's just say that I red when reading your question!

Momma Jo said...

I hate them with all their personal data. One of the worst, in my opinion, the advertising for Victoria Secret. Many mothers would be crazy if your child is reading women's magazines, and can not, however, show women in provocative poses in her underwear? "?" Everything is just another example of pushing for sex in public. No wonder that the morale of the country and the world is rotten!

Rowan said...

I'm not great, but .... My mother told me that sells these things (towels and toiletries Maxi, condoms and other personal, private or personal) was in a paper bag for a year. I'm not sure if hit in the face every time with him, if you turn on the television is a big improvement.

Shortstu... said...

Classifieds disgust me to no end. I do not see how the grace invade our privacy, that's all because of the almighty dollar. Well, there is nothing sacred? I still remember the commercials from 50's & 60's and were not sure what we see now. Remind you of a time when the mother and daughter had a cat and her daughter asked her mother what she did for that feeling of "not very fresh." The mother told her daughter on a feminine hygiene product. Yah right!

judy b said...

Some of these ads are pretty funny. I love those "Smiling Bob". But I think it would be best to run these ads after 9 or 10 pm, do not want to not only the parents that explain some of these "conditions" to their children, but nobody wants to hear about laxatives or ointment hemorrhoids during lunch .

Lady Jexie said...

Pharmaceutical companies are pandering to the public.
Tell the doctor what medicines you want instead of having to
to formulate the expert to make a recommendation.

Most people I know who use TiVo and no ads.
I do not have TiVo. - Not listening to the rolls immediately.

I would not lose, because some companies are very very intelligent.

monkey said...

It seems serious. Even some of those shows on Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network. OK, yes, CN (Cartoon Network), Adult Swim, but that's like 9ish or 10 clock at night. Why do children need Viagra? I do not remember that show when I was a child, and it was a few years at least, not seriously, I am 18 years. I speak of the late 90s. I mean, I had some bad, but every time I turn around, I see something on television today for herpes or Viagra or something.
Ok, the people do not know these things exist, but it otherwise has to be. Theres internet until ...* *
or documentation

daisymae said...

Comet Girl, I hate commercials "intimate." I just change the channel when to leave them. If they announce, why not discrete, as in ancient times. I hate underwear ads with erectile dysfunction.

curious connie said...

I believe that nothing in public. Last night I saw an ad for a condom with a tickling this kind of thing like this at the end. It was after 10 hours, but I was scared. I'm shocked about my age. They are getting worse. I am glad that I was alone!

red said...

I am not a man, but I'm on some of the things they see on television to rage. A new show is coming (swinging), is madness. Funny, I remember talking to my grandparents, like TV is bad and then my parents, and now I feel so old, lol:)

typical not me said...

Male enhancement advertising does not bother me. They are written so that children do not benefit''''. Feminine hygiene, if it bothers me a little. You get a little graphic.

typical not me said...

Male enhancement advertising does not bother me. They are written so that children do not benefit''''. Feminine hygiene, if it bothers me a little. You get a little graphic.

SusanS, Incognito said...

I think it would be a shame for any television to watch the joint. Marketers can use other channels as I'm concerned. I'm 63rd

speakimp... said...

Too much information ... but now I have everything I want to record that rarely see the ads. It is a way to get all ... but death and taxes.

ZmiyaH said...

Im not old ... But I know that my grandmother cared for both ads ... She considers it appropriate for TV commercials

old fart said...

especially when I stop Commericals Come into the bath or a bowl removes his glasses to take a break my nose. I told them no longer needed.

Miz D said...

Have you lost hemorrhoid cream ads! He is not ashamed to this day. I could not without advertising.

Spinelli Kelly said...

I just ignore these ads. Then know all the warning "signs of sequelae. Not force us to look after them.

nannywho said...

Some people are too shy to see a doctor about such problems. It may be useful for them, while hating the rest of us.

DR W said...

What will happen Excedrin, Alka Seltzer, that the most commonly used medical products.

Jan said...

I do not know, I'll just walk around after 9 clock, when the children are in bed, nothing like a child singing Viva Viagra shown

archer said...

When I was a kid I was misinformed. I am pleased that my grandchildren some of our worries and concerns.

Aloha_An... said...

Also, the overloading of commercial matters and tend to ignore out. If not explain these issues to children and grandchildren.

Milou said...

I hate, it's embarrassing when you watch TV with their children queue. This should be something private between you and your doctor

Dinah said...

I think it is totally tasteless.

MissMazi... said...

Yes .. private. Has anyone heard? I do not. Television is for you ..



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