Monday, January 25, 2010

Pos Barcode Retail Inventory System?

Retail Inventory System? - pos barcode

I have a small retail shop. Currently, with a record of cash sales, with an independent team of credit cards. Increasincosgly is difficult for me to track sales and inventory. I am looking for a way to do it "ie. Barcode, pos ....?
What is the best software or hardware on this case? I try something simple and relatively inexpensive.


mane said...

Good question. I have the same problem /

Louis said...

You want to identify a test in May InFlow:

They offer a free version that you can see whether it meets your needs can taste. I think he dealt with the bar codes, sales, etc., but not being developed as a selling point. But from your forum, it seems that some users it as a selling point.

Try it and see if it matches one. :)

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